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Using Your Kiosk

Menu Management

Setting up cross-sell rules  

Cross-selling is a sales technique that focuses on encouraging customers to purchase additional products or services that complement their initial selection. In the context of small restaurants, this means enticing patrons to buy extra menu items, such as appetizers, desserts, or beverages, that pair well with their main dishes. The idea behind cross-selling is to maximize the customer's overall spending while providing a more satisfying and enjoyable dining experience.

For small restaurant owners, developing a thoughtful cross-selling strategy is crucial in increasing revenue and fostering customer loyalty. By offering well-matched food and beverage pairings or promoting complementary items, restaurants can enhance the value of the customer's meal, making it more likely for patrons to return and recommend the establishment to others. Moreover, a successful cross-selling strategy can help small restaurants stand out in a competitive market, showcasing their unique culinary offerings and personalized approach to customer service.


  • To create a new cross-sell rule, navigate to the Cross Sell section of the console, listed under the Menu dropdown. On the top right of the console, you will see a button labeled Create a Cross Sell Rule which allows you to create new configurations.

  • If you have set up multiple locations, you will then be prompted to select a location for the new rule. Once you have chosen a location, click Next. 

  • Select a primary item for the cross sell. The primary item is the item which triggers the rules for the cross sell, and it is the first item added to a customer’s cart. Click Create to begin defining the parameters for the rule.

  • On the Edit Rule screen, you will be able to assign up to 5 items as secondary items, or those items which will be shown as recommended add-ons for your primary item. It is this screen where you can pause, or turn off, existing Cross Sell Rules. 

  • If you choose, you can select a date range for this rule to be active, so that once you are out of the date range, it is no longer active for the primary item. This might be useful if you have an item on your menu for which there is a limited run – seasonal items, for example. 

  • Once you are satisfied with your selections, click Save in the upper right corner of the console menu. Your changes should now be reflected on your menu.


Creating combos

A combo, which combines multiple menu items into a single package or meal, is a useful strategy for restaurants and businesses because it simplifies the decision-making process for customers and encourages them to try various offerings. By bundling complementary items together at a slightly reduced price, combos appeal to patrons seeking value, variety, and convenience. This approach also enables businesses to upsell additional items, leading to increased revenue and more efficient inventory management. Combos can also act as a marketing tool, highlighting signature products and promoting unique pairings that distinguish the business from its competitors.


  1. Navigate to Combos section of the console, listed under the Menu dropdown. In the upper right corner, click the button labeled Create A Combo.

  2. If you have set up multiple locations, you will then be prompted to select a location for the new rule. Once you have chosen a location, click Confirm. 

  3. On the Edit a Combo screen, you will be able to set all the details of the combo. 

    • Combo Information 

      • A custom name for the combo (required)

      • A tag for the combo (which can be used in reporting)

      • A description of the combo

      • An image for the combo item

    • Status

      • Indicates whether the combo is able to be purchased by the customer (Available), visible in the category but marked as sold out, or hidden from the category entirely.

    • Combo Price

      • Set the base price for the combo. 

      • Select whether this price is fixed or can be auto-adjusted. Combos allow customers to select items from a pre-selected list. You choose how many items are part of this combo – for example, you may choose to have three items as part of the combo, a drink, a side, and a main. Each of these item sets could then have options assigned to them, allowing the customer to choose a drink from several options. 

      • If you select auto-adjust, then the base price you defined reflects the combo cost based on the least expensive item in each set. If the customer selects an item which costs more than the least expensive item in that set, then the price is adjusted based on the difference in cost. 

        • If your base price is $17, and you have two drink options in the set, one of which costs $3 and one which costs $4, the $17 price reflects the $3 drink option. If a customer chooses the more expensive drink, $1 will be added to the combo price, bringing the total cost to $18.

      • If you selected Fixed price, the combo cost will only be affected by item modifiers and upsells.


Modifying your menu (hiding or selling out items)

While the support team will assist you in getting your menu set up initially, you may want to periodically make changes to your menu – change the photo, the price, add new items, remove items. Doing so is easy.


  • Modify an Existing Item​

    1. Navigate to the Items section under the Menu dropdown. If you have multiple locations enabled, make sure you select the appropriate location in the dropdown on the top left, below the Menu/Items header. If the item exists across multiple locations, you will need to edit them separately.

    2. Select the item you wish to edit.

    3. Make any necessary changes. On this screen, you will be able to modify the item name, image, cost, and modifiers. You can also hide the item or mark it as sold out, make the item available for only a limited time, or limit its availability to specific days of the week. 

  • Create a New Item

    1. Navigate to the Items section under the menu dropdown. In the top right, click Create A New Item, then select a location for this item. Click Confirm.

    2. Complete the item details. On this page, you can assign the name, category (where it is displayed on your menu), description, image, price, and modifiers. You can also hide the item or mark it as sold out, make the item available for only a limited time, or limit its availability to specific days of the week.

Cross Sell Rules
Creating Combos
Modifying Your Menu
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